ROOTPROMPT$ apt-get install mpd ncmpc
ROOTPROMPT$ cat /etc/init.d/.depend.start | grep mpd
TARGETS = motd killprocs rpcbind nfs-common rsyslog sudo mpd atd exim4 rsync cron ssh dbus acpid bootlogs single rmnologin rc.local
rmnologin: sudo atd rsyslog rpcbind nfs-common exim4 motd bootlogs rsync cron ssh dbus acpid mpd
rc.local: atd rsyslog rpcbind nfs-common exim4 motd bootlogs rsync cron sudo ssh dbus acpid mpd
ROOTPROMPT$ insserv -r mpd
ROOTPROMPT$ cat /etc/init.d/.depend.start | grep mpd
ROOTPROMPT$ ps aux | grep mpd
root 5029 0.0 0.0 322696 7456 ? Ssl 23:39 0:00 mpd
root 5033 0.0 0.0 7828 872 pts/1 S+ 23:39 0:00 grep mpd
ROOTPROMPT$ /etc/init.d/mpd stop
If your system does not use dependency based boot sequence you will have to configure the mpd service using the update-rc.d command. update: With systemd I had to run the following to prevent mpd startup on boot
ROOTPROMPT$ systemctl disable mpd
ROOTPROMPT$ systemctl disable mpd.service
ROOTPROMPT$ systemctl disable mpd.socket
Found help on crunchbang mpd how toCopy the example mpdconf file to your home directory.
$> gunzip usr/share/doc/mpd/examples/mpd.conf.gz > ~/.mpdconf
Edit this file to change the music_directory, playlist_directory, db_file, log_file, error_file, pid_file, and state_file. Also uncomment the mixer_type line for software volume control. Below are the relevant exerpts from my config file showing the previous entry (commented out), the comment with my name to remind me I changed it, and my new entry. For easy viewing I've cut the comments, but I recommend reading them as you edit.
#music_directory "/var/lib/mpd/music"
music_directory "/home/byrdi01/music"
#playlist_directory "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
playlist_directory "/home/byrdi01/.mpd/playlists"
#db_file "/var/lib/mpd/tag_cache"
db_file "/home/byrdi01/.mpd/database"
#log_file "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"
log_file "/home/byrdi01/.mpd/log"
#pid_file "/var/run/mpd/pid"
pid_file "/home/byrdi01/.mpd/pid"
#state_file "/var/lib/mpd/state"
state_file "/home/byrdi01/.mpd/state"
#ibyrd. uncomment the next line to enable software control of volume.
mixer_type "software"
My music is in the "/home/byrdi01/music" directory. Change this as appropriate to tell mpd where your music is located. Create the .mpd/ and .mpd/playlists directories.$> mkdir -p /home/byrdi01/.mpd/playlists
Now whenever you want to play music you need to start mpd and ncmpc
$> mp
$> ncmpc
The ncmpc client will take up the entire xterm. Press 1 in ncmpc to get the list of commands. 'q' quits ncmpc, but mpd continues, so either stop playing music before exiting ncmpc or run$> mpd --kill
to kill the daemon.The mpd wiki has a good mpd configuration page, and I used some information from the mpd config on Arch and the mpd config on Ubuntu pages.